The operating principle of the DVP side channel blowers is simple: a small wings-equipped rotor rotates inside a stator. Small vortexes of air created by the centrifugal force and the rotation are dragged by the vanes from the aspiration toward the drain. There are no parts in contact, thus the side channel blowers do not require routine maintenance but, since the intake air is also used as cooling fluid, they can operate continuously only within certain ranges of pressure. To prevent damage to the engine it is indeed necessary to install vacuum and pressure limiting valves.
All versions can be used as compressors. If used as a compressor, the output flow is clean and free of pulsations.
Single Stage TSL
Nominal Capacity: 40.1 - 1560.9 CFM
The single stage TSL side channel blowers are conceived to suck or to compress gas and non-explosive mixtures. The absence of lubricants guarantees that no oils are present in the compressed fluids. The single stage TSL side channel blowers are equipped with single-phase (1~) motors and IE3 high efficiency three-phase (3~) motors. Some models are available with front suction inlet.
Main application fields: air and gas conveyance on machines and plants requiring medium suction and delivery pressures, max. operational safety and low noise levels.
Double Parallel Stage TPL
Nominal Capacity: 353.4 - 1460.7 CFM
The double parallel stage TPL side channel blowers are conceived to suck or to compress gas and non-explosive mixtures. The absence of lubricants guarantees that no oils are present in the compressed fluids. The double parallel stage TPL side channel blowers are equipped with IE3 three-phase (3~) high efficiency motors. For TPLV models, the suction inlet is vertically mounted.
Main application fields: air and gas conveyance on machines and plants requiring high suction and delivery pressures, max. operational safety and low noise levels.
Double Stage TDL
Nominal Capacity: 60.1 - 365.2 CFM
The double stage TDL side channel blowers are conceived to suck or to compress gas and non-explosive mixtures. The absence of lubricants guarantees that no oils are present in the compressed fluids. The double stage TDL side channel blowers are equipped with single-phase (1~) motors and IE3 high efficiency three-phase (3~) motors.
Main application fields: air and gas conveyance on machines and plants requiring high suction and delivery pressures, max. operational safety and low noise levels.
Triple Stage TTL
Nominal Capacity: 365.2 CFM
The triple stage TTL side channel blowers are conceived to suck or to compress gas and non-explosive mixtures. The absence of lubricants guarantees that no oils are present in the compressed fluids. The triple stage TTL side channel blowers are equipped with IE3 three-phase (3~) high efficiency motors.
Main application fields: air and gas conveyance on machines and plants requiring high suction and delivery pressures, max. operational safety and low noise levels.